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Counted as a Chinese soldier
My best memories are associated with this team. My biggest success - too. Wherever I've played, I always thought of Lovech. This is the team of my heart. It is therefore with great pleasure once again returned. I heard that I turned into an idol. Of course I'm not. It would be immodest for me to say otherwise. Otherwise be happy anyway for recognition. It is most important for each player. Although I am not in good shape soccer tips against Lokomotiv (Sofia) on Sunday entered and asian handicap picks even recorded an assist. I hardly drove summer training. But I had a great desire to help and managed. League and European tournaments ano possible get ahead of UEFA. A league for what you say? Litex is one of the strongest teams in Bulgaria and will fight as always for the title and cup. Do not cherish forecasts, however. So do not ask me more. Fairplay ano it has. However, depends not only from Litex. Here, we Lokomotiv played fair play. For other teams do not know and do not wish to speak. But this is the way in the interest of truth. Must break asian handicap tips once and for all with intrigue and dirt. Black Sea Few played in Varna. What can I say? The difference with Litex is asian handicap tips huge. Initially, there was enthusiasm. asian handicap picks But then it quickly became apparent that the team has no big goals. In the Black Sea play a match to soccer picks match, no matter what place we will finish. For coach Velislav Vutsov generally do not want to talk. Just nothing to say on the matter. Liaoning This team was from a town very close to Beijing. Initially, our coach was imitar asian handicap picks Penev. For the first time the team had attracted foreigners. We were not welcomed. Conditions in China are far from ours football practice. They promised us to bring soccer picks our families, but it did not happen. Was severe. Then he went to study in any base. There were 15 teams with us. And there was very heavy. Then came the championship. We played several matches for the cup but the league - no. They could not long to settle our rights. We are no more yellow cards. Lost asian handicap picks their shape. Just the organization in Liaoning asian handicap picks are very bad. There are other teams in China as Aliena, where Zoran Jankovic and Shanghai clubs, which operate in a completely different way. There are many foreigners. Are created every need. players soccer picks are with their families. They have big soccer picks houses and other extras. Imitar While Penev was the team trying to create a European order. Because the Chinese have completely different understandings. There were no problems with it. Chiefs of the team did not help him much. Fell two games at the beginning and the leadership was not happy. So go. Penata very angry when with us, the foreigners concerned bad. After soccer picks the losses we were always guilty. The training very hard. Just when I leave imitar Penev, China kindled SARS. The team moved in Shenyang City. Unto us in a base outside the city. We camp asian handicap picks almost five months. Alone. asian handicap picks Then I spent the worst days of my career. We rose at 8.30 am asian handicap tips in the morning they go to the ground and was being built at the barracks. soccer picks And it starts counting. Count up - first, second, third. In Chinese. soccer tips And so every day. And soccer tips do not move anywhere. Not that there is nowhere to go, but still. And during the day because of the SARS epidemic went with masks. We download asian handicap picks them only when we were in the rooms.axis was unpleasant. soccer picks Local, had nothing to soccer picks do with European cuisine. Only ate it. There was some meat who do not know. soccer picks But something soccer picks still choose. I personally bought noodles. It asian handicap tips is very strange. Beijing is a huge city. For instance, I had no car in soccer tips China. Who gave you such a thing? Rode in a taxi. Nobody made us comfortable grams. They asian handicap picks throw out there in a hotel and we managed alone. People are also strange. It feels like another world except China do not know. Otherwise there are soccer picks very smart and learned people. And the country is huge. Beijing soccer tips is 14 million. Scary megalopolis. With many skyscrapers. And China's economy is already highly developed. 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