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Arrested prostitutes robbed the French national20-10-2011 |
Two prostitutes were arrested on suspicion of being robbed French National Yang M `Villa and his friend, revealed sources from the French court, quoted by" La Gazette de Montpellier ". According to the information `M Villa and his unnamed friend agreed certain amount of women to provide sexual services in a hotel in Montpellier after control of France in Chile on August 10, 1-1. Women named Ingrid and Sarah, who described the case as "prostitutes part-time" players met with the team in a nightclub. The next morning the players wake up to see that they are gone expensive watches, one of which cost over € 13,000. Laptops are dzhiesemi and other stolen property from the prostitutes. M `Villa, who plays for Ligue 1 team from Rennes was phoned the police with his friend and reported the incident. Two prostitutes were arrested faster than law enforcement.
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