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Tragedy in England: 29-year-old football player dies11-01-2011 |
After less than a year a new tragedy has befallen teams Maklasfiyld Town of League Two in England. Richard Buchar footballer was found dead on the age of 29 at his home, told BBC Sport. Death of former player of Kettering Town, Peterborough, Notts County and Lincoln City comes 10 months after the loss of manager Keith Alexander Maklasfiyld. Boss of the team from League Two adjustment tolerance Mike said: "We are devastated. Only 10 months after Keith Alexander died. " "Buchar not appear on the workout this morning. This bothered Gary Simpson, our manager, because it was familiar in Buchar to miss classes, "said an adjustment tolerance. Local authorities did not give more information on the death of Buchar as initial doubts are for heart attack or stroke.
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